We would like to inform you that our company was established in 2005 and it is specialized in common contract; commerce, providing the official offices and can take part in reducing and can do all the civil works, electric works, and it has engineering staff specialized the space, our company is pleased to present to you its achievement writhen the previous years and what it had done during this period, below is a summary of our achievement
-General Manager: Mr. Khaldoun L. Issa. He is responsible for directing completion of all work is described in the subcontract and to insure that all subcontractor work complies with the quality plan.
– Construction manager: Kamal K.M he is responsible for supervision all construction activities performed at the construction site and to designates the work to be done and are responsible for labor relation and also to ensure that all subcontractor construction work complies with this quality plan. He must report to the project.
– Project manager: Omer L. he is responsible for all subcontractors engineering work and to report to the project manager.
– Quality control manager: Mohamed Sh. He is responsible for ensuring the quality of all work manager performed by subcontractor and to report to the project manager and to inspect of all work performed.
– We shell comply provision of information drawing and data associated with progress program and submission of technical documentation as required by the subcontractor.